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Marcia B. Brown, MSW, LCSW, Therapist

My Experience and Approach

Our work together will focus on helping you find more delight and less stress as a parent by getting at the heart of the problem. If you are exhausted and overwhelmed in your role as a parent, drained from the struggles of challenging child behavior, feeling anxious and second guessing your parenting approach, or simply want to get a handle on some current challenges before they turn into bigger issues, parent-child therapy can help.

Early childhood offers a unique opportunity to shape and mold your child's life experience in ways that profoundly affect the person your child will become. For this reason, my work focuses primarily on caregivers and their children ages 2 to 11 years old.  I use a model called Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT).

All of our sessions occur in your home so skills can more easily transfer over to  daily life outside of our sessions, and the naturally occurring challenges of real-life distractions and barriers can be addressed together. Meeting in the home also helps children feel more at ease with attending sessions and gives me as the therapist a better sense of how they respond in their own environment.

Services are available to all families regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation or ability.  I look forward to learning about what makes your family unique and incorporating your personal and cultural beliefs into our work together.


I am fully licensed in the state of North Carolina and certified in PCIT, in addition to being a Level 1 PCIT Trainer.  I have received extensive ongoing training and supervision in this model and have provided services to over 250 families since 2010. I have a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and a Master's degree in Social Work, both from UNC-CH.  In addition to working as a parent-child therapist, I have also worked in residential treatment for youth, EAP services, and child welfare.  Aside from PCIT, I am certified in three additional parenting models (Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up, Triple P Parenting Program, and SafeCare), two group parenting programs (The Incredible Years and Strengthening Families Program), and have developed numerous workshops specifically for various groups, most often for  foster parents and parents experiencing homelessness.  Prior to relocating to Colorado in 2019, I ran a program through a Durham non-profit offering these evidence-based models and more, which included providing supervision to a team of therapists and interns.  I established my private practice in 2021 in Denver, CO, and have since transferred back to my home state of NC.    I am also a proud mother of three children, and a beloved Goldendoodle.


North Carolina License Number:  C008967

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